Docker and Docker-Compose Advanced
Prakash Pun - December 22, 2022
• 13 min read
Continue on Docker and Docker-Compose
Copied!docker ps -l --format=$FORMAT docker tag docker_id image_name # name the containers docker commit test test1 docker run --rm -ti ubuntu sleep 5 ## remove after exit (terminal interactive) docker run -ti ubuntu bash -c "sleep 3; echo all done" docker run -d -ti ubuntu bash # d -> detach
Running things running in a container
docker attach
- detached containers
- interactive containers
- detach with Control-p control-q
- docker ps
- docker attach container_name
Running more things in a container
docker exec
- Starts another process in an existing container
- great for debugging and DB administration
- can't add ports, volumes, and so on
Looking at container output
docker logs
- keep the output of containers
- View with
docker logs container_name
docker run --name example -d ubuntu bash -c "lose /etc/password"
(--name to name the container to example and detach to run in the background, give process bash)- don't let the output get too large
Stopping and removing containers
- killing and removing containers
docker kill container_name
(stop container)docker rm container_name
(remove the container)docker ps -l
(last container to exit)
Resource constraints
- memory limits
docker run --memory maximum-allowed-memory-image-name command
- CPU Limits
docker run --cpu-shares
relative to other containersdocker run --cpu-quota
to limit it in general
- Orchestration
- Generally requires resource limiting
Lessons from the field
- Don't let your containers fetch dependencies when they start
- Don't leave important things in unnamed stopped containers
Container Networking
- Programs in containers are isolated from the internet by default
- You can group your containers into "private" networks
- You explicitly choose who can connect to whom
- expose ports to let connections in
- Private networks to connect between containers
Exposing specific ports
- Explicitly specifies the port inside the container and outside
- Exposes as many ports as you want
- Requires coordination between containers
- Makes it easy to find the exposed ports
docker run --rm -ti -p 45678:45678 -p 45679:45679 --name echo-server ubuntu:14.04 bash
(publish 45678 to 45678)nc -lp 45678 | nc -lp 45679
nc localhost 45678
nc localhost 45679
docker run --rm -ti ubuntu:14.04
nc host.docker.internal 45678
(inside the running container) (put the ip address for windows forhost.docker.internal
Exposing Ports Dynamically
- The port inside the container is fixed
- The port on the host is chosen from the unused ports
- This allows many containers to run programs with fixed ports
- This often is used with a service discovery program
- without port
docker run --rm -ti -p 45678 -p 45679 --name echo-server ubuntu:14.04 bash
docker port echo-server
Exposing UDP Ports
docker run -p outside-port:inside-port/protocol (tcp/udp)
docker run -p 1234:1234/upd
docker run --rm -ti -p 45678/udp --name echo-server ubuntu:14.04 bash
nc -ulp 45678
docker port echo-server
docker run --rm -ti ubuntu:14.04 bash
nc -u host.docker.internal 34545
Container Networking
docker network ls
docker network create learning
create a networkdocker run --rm -ti --net learning --name catserver ubuntu:14.04 bash
ping catserver
docker run --rm -ti --net learning --name dogserver ubuntu:14.04 bash
nc -lp 1234
- on catserver container
nc dogserver 1234
docker network create catsonly
docker network connect catsonly catserver
docker run --rm -ti --net catsonly --name bobcatserver ubuntu:14.04 bash
Legacy Linking
- Links all ports, though only one way
- Secret environment variables are shared only one way
- Depends on the startup order
- Restarts only sometimes breaks the links
docker run --rm -ti -e SECRET=theinternetlovescat --name catserver ubuntu:14.04 bash
docker run --rm -ti --link catserver --name dogserver ubuntu:14.04 bash
nc -lp 4321
nc dogserver 4321
nc catserver 4321
Tagging Images
- Tagging gives images names
docker commit
tags images for youdocker commit container_id name_yo_like_to_give
docker commit ea4fd18fc19d my-image:v2.1
- This is an example of the name structure:
- You can leave out the parts you don't need
is often enoughdocker pull
- Run automatically by
docker run
- Useful for offline work
- Opposite
docker push
Cleaning UP
- Images can accumulate quickly
- docker rmi image-name:tag
- docker rmi image-id
- Shared folder
- Virtual 'discs' to store and share data
- Two main varieties
- Persistent (data will be still there after the container is away)
- Ephemeral (temporary, no container is not using them it goes away)
- Not part of images
Sharing Data with the host
- "Shared folders" with the host
- Sharing a "single file" into a container
- Note that a file must exist before you start the container, or it will be assumed to be a directory
docker run -ti -v D:\\Projects\\example:/shared-folder ubuntu bash
Sharing data between containers
- volumes-from
- Shared "discs" that exist only as long as they are being used
- Can be shared between containers
docker run -ti -v /shared-data ubuntu bash
docker run -ti --volumes-from nervous_galois ubuntu bash
Docker Registries
- Registries manage and distribute images
- Docker (the company) offers these for free
- You can run your own, as well
Finding images
- Docker
commands - docker pull debian:sid
- docker tag debian:sid prakashpun7/test-image:v99.9
- docker push prakashpun7/test-image:v99.9
- Clean up your images regularly
What is a Dockerfile
- This is a small "program" to create an image
- You run this program with
- docker build -t name-of-result . Note that. here (where to search for Dockerfile)
- When it finishes, the result will be in your local docker registry
Producing the Next Image with Each Step
- Each line takes the image from the previous line and makes another image
- The previous image is unchanged
- It does not edit the state from the previous line
- You don't want large files to span lines or your image will be huge
Caching with each step
- This is important; watch the build output for "using cache"
- Docker skips lines that have not changed since the last build
- If your first line is "download the latest file", it may not always run
- This caching saves huge amounts of time
- The parts that change the most belong at the end of the Dockerfile
Dockerfile are not Shell Scripts
- Dockerfiles look like shell scripts
- Dockerfiles are not shell scripts
- processes you start on one line will not be running on the next line
- Environment variables you set will be set on the next line
- if you use the ENV command, remember that each line is its own call to docker run
Copied!# FROM debian:sid # RUN apt-get -y update # RUN apt-get -y install nano # CMD ["bin/nano", "/tmp/notes"] FROM example/nanoer ADD notes.txt /notes.txt CMD ["bin/nano", "/notes.txt"]
The FROM Statement
- Which image to download and start from
- Must be the first command in your Dockerfile
- FROM java:8
The MAINTAINER Statement
- Defines the author of this Dockerfile
- MAINTAINER Firstname Lastname
The RUN Statement
- Runs the comand line, waits for it to finish, and saves the result
RUN unzip /opt/install/
RUN echo Hello
The ADD Statement
- Adds local files
- Add /
- Add the contents of tar archives
- ADD project.tar.gz /install/
- Works with URLs as well
ADD <> /1.0/project.rpm /project/
The ENV Statement
- Sets environment variables
- Both during the build and when running the result
- ENV DB_PORT=5432
The ENTRYPOINT and CMD Statements
- ENTRYPOINT specifies the start of the command to run
- CMD specifies the whole command to run
- If you have both ENTRYPOINT and CMD, they are combined together
- If your container acts like a command-line program, you can use ENTRYPOINT
- If you are unsure, you can use CMD
Shell From vs.Exec From
- ENTRYPOINT RUN and CMD can use either form.
- Shell form looks like this:
- nano notes.txt
- Exec form looks like this:
- ["/bin/nano", "notes.txt"]
The EXPOSE Statement
- Maps a port into the container
- EXPOSE 8080
The VOLUME Statment
- Defines shared or ephemeral volumes
- VOLUME ["/host/path/", "/container/path/"]
- VOLUME ["/shared-data"]
- Avoid defining shared folders in DockerFiles
The WORKDIR Statement
- Sets the directory the container starts in
- WORKDIR /install/
The USER Statment
- Sets which user the container will run as
- USER arthur
- USER 100
Multi-project Docker files
docker build -t google-size .
Copied!FROM ubuntu:16.04 RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get -y install curl RUN curl <> | wc -c > google-size ENTRYPOINT echo google is this big; cat google-size
Copied!FROM ubuntu:16.04 as builder RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get -y install curl RUN curl <> | wc -c > google-size FROM alpine COPY --from=builder /google-size /google-size ENTRYPOINT echo google is this big; cat google-size
Preventing the Golder Image Problem
- Include installers in your project
- Have a canonical build that builds everything completely from scratch
- Tag your builds with the git hash of the code that build it
- Use small images, such as Alpine
- Build images you shae publicly from Dockerfiles, always
- Don't ever leave passwords in layers; delete files inthe same step!
What Kernels Do
- Respond to message from the hardware
- Start and schedule programs
- Control and organize storage
- Pass messages between programs
- Allocate resources, memory, CPU, network, and so on.
- Create containers by Docker configuring the kernel
What Docker does
- Program is written in Go -- upcoming systems language
- Manages kernel features
- Uses "cgroups" to contain process
- Uses "namespaces" to contain networks
- Uses "copy-on-wirte" filesystems to build images
What Docker Really Does
- Makes scripting distributed systems "easy"*
- For a very peculiar definition of "easy"
The Docker Control Socket
- Docker is two programs: a client and a server
- The server receives commands over a socket (either over a network or through a "file")
- The client can even run inside the docker itself
Networking in Brief
- Ethernet: moves "frames" on a wire (or Wi-Fi)
- IP layer: moves packets on a local network
- Routing: forwards packets between networks
- Ports: address particular programs on a computer
- Docker uses bridges to create virtual networks in your computer
- These are software switches
- They control the Ethernet layer
docker run -ti --rm --net=host ubuntu:16.04 bash
apt-get update && apt-get install bridge-utils
brctl show
docker network create my-network
- You can turn off this protection with
- docker run --net=host options image-name command
- Creates "firewall" rules to move packets between networks
- NAT (Network Address Translation)
- Change the source address on the way out
- Change the destination address on the way back in
docker run -ti --rm --net=host --privileged=true ubuntu bash
apt-get update && apt-get install iptables
iptables -n -L -t nat
- "Exposing" a port --really "Port forwarding"
- They allow processes to be attached to private network segments
- These private networks are bridged into a shared network with the rest of the containers
- Containers have virtual network "cards"
- Containers get their own copy of the networking stack
Primer on Linux Processes
- Processes come from other processes--parent-child relationship
- When a child process exits, it returns an exit code to its parent
- Process Zero is special; called init, the process that starts the rest
- In Docker, your container starts with an init process and vanishes when that process exits
docker inspect --format '{{.State.Pid}}' container-name
kill 7538
=> 7538 = pid
Resource Limiting
- Scheduling CPU time
- Memory allocation limits
- Inherited limitations and quotas
- Can't escape your limits by starting more process
Unix Storage in Brief
- Actual storage devices
- Logical storage devices
- Filesystems
- FUSE filesystems and network filesystems
- COW;s => copy on write
Moving Cows
- The contents of layers are moved between containers in gzip files
- Containers are independent of the storage engine
- Any containers can be loaded (almost) anywhere
- It is possible to run out of layers on some of the storage engines
Volumes and Bind Mounting
- The Linux VFS (Virtual File System)
- Mounting devices on the VFS
- Mounting directories on the VFS
mount -o bind other-work work
- Getting the mount order correct
- Mounting volumes --always mounts the host's filesystem over the guest
What is a Docker Registry?
- Maintains an index and searches tags
- Authorizes and authenticates connections (sometimes)
docker save -o my-images.tar.gz debian:sid busybox ubuntu:14.04
docker rmi debian:sid busybox ubuntu:14.04
docker load -i my-images.tar.gz
Saving and Loading Containers
- docker save
- docker load
- Migrating between storage types
- Shipping images on disks (or never underestimate the bandwidth of a thumb drive in a get liner)
Intro to orchestration (One Container = One Hand Clapping)
- Many orchestration systems of Docker
- Start containers--and restart them if they fail
- Service discovery--allow them to find each other
- Resource allocation--match containers to computers
Docker Compose
- Single machine coordination
- Designed for testing and development
- Brings up all your containers, volumes, networks, etc., with one command
- Containers run programs
- Pods group containers together
- Services make pods available to others.
- Labels are used for very advanced service discovery
Advantages of Kubernetes
- Make scripting large operations possible with the
command - Very flexible overlay networking
- Runs equally well on your hardware or a cloud provider
- Built-in service discovery
- Get started at
EC2 Container Service (ECS)
- Task definitions
- Define a set of containers that always run together
- Tasks
- Actually makes a container run right now
- Services and exposes it to the Net
- Ensures that a task is running all the time
Advantages of ECS
- Connects load balancers (ELBs) to services
- Can create your own host instances in AWS
- Make your instances start the agent and join the cluster
- Pass the docker control socket into the agent
- Provides docker repos--and it's easy to run your own repo
- Note that containers (tasks) can be part of CloudFormation stacks!
- Get started at
Copied!FROM node:12 WORKDIR /app COPY package*.json ./ RUN npm install COPY . . ENV PORT=4000 EXPOSE 4000 CMD ["npm", "start"]
docker build -t prakashpun/demoapp:1.0 .
docker run -p 5000:4000 container_id
Copied!=> docker file => blueprint for building docker image image => template for running docker container container => running process